• Mermaid Classes

Mermaid Classes

Try Mermaid:

Price: $99

  • Age range: 6 and up
  • Swim requirement: able to swim 40ft without assistance
  • Skills taught:
    • equipment donning/doffing and care,
    • entries/exits
    • equalization
    • duck dives
    • and fun skills like bubble kisses, tail slaps, somersaults, and ring pick-up


Price: $275

  • Age range: 12 and up
  • Swim requirements: swim 55 yards without assistance or swim 110 yards with mask/fins/snorkel, and tread/float for 5 minutes
  • Skills taught:
    • academics including final exam
    • equipment donning/doffing and care
    • entries/exits, equalization, buoyancy skills, swimming techniques on the surface and underwater
    • duck dives, angel dives, angled descents
    • buddy assistance and rescue skills including cramp removal, tows, and shallow water rescue
    • fun skills including bubble kisses, bubble hearts, bubble rings, tail slaps, swim throughs, somersaults, body rolls, grab and glide, and arm-only turn
Starting from

Availability: In Stock

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